Promenade Oil Painting


Original Oil Painting on archival particle bored 48 x 36 in

2 military men walked through the woods, their camo blending in with the brown and green of the trees around them. They were looking for something—a sign? A clue? A person? They couldn’t tell. All they knew was that they were being led by a force greater than themselves, and they had to follow it to wherever it would take them.

The men had been walking for hours now, with no end in sight. One of them spoke up finally: “I don’t think we’re going to find anything out here,” he said, sounding defeated. The other soldier nodded slowly, his eyes scanning their surroundings as if he could somehow see something that wasn’t there.

Just then, a bird flew overhead—and landed on one of the branches above them, chirping loudly at them before quickly flying away again.”What was that?” asked one of the soldiers as he looked up at where the bird had been perched.”I don’t know,” replied his companion with a shrug.”But something tells me we should keep going.”

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Why Buy Original Art?
There are tons of mass-produced pieces of art out there. These pieces while done well, do not support anyone but the factory they’re produced from. One of a kind pieces are rare – the quality of the work is pristine and these pieces increase in value over time. Seventy-five percent of collectors report buying art with an investment in mind. Not only are you making an investment in the artist work that speaks to you – but you’re making a sound investment for your future.

Additional information

Dimensions 6 × 48 × 36 in